Never stop dancing—this is the anthem of the Zumba Gold program. Whether you are fully mobile and can do spins like a 20-year-old or you prefer to modify dance moves, Zumba Gold is a fitness program that helps people stay active throughout their lifetime. Its combination of aerobics, great music, and balance is golden…
Yet many will not give this class a chance. Here are some common objections to trying Zumba Gold:
“But I won’t sweat in a Zumba Gold class.”
“Zumba Gold would be too slow for me.”
On the flip side, I also hear:
“Oh, I’m too old to do a dance class.”
“I’ll be 20 steps behind everyone else.”
Ladies and gentlemen, Zumba Gold may be a little more relaxed, but it’s still Zumba with slightly different goals. The program has something to offer for all adults. Keep reading to learn more!
Aerobics: This Dance Party is No Joke!
When we consider dance as a form of exercise that should last a lifetime, we definitely want to protect the joints. I know—we want to get our heart rates up, and high-impact moves (e.g., jumping jacks) do the trick, but Zumba Gold takes a different approach. Instead of jumping jacks or running moves, you will see a healthy dose of arm movements to get the heart rate up. You know those squat jumps that get everyone’s attention in Zumba? My Zumba Gold version would be a squat walk forward while drumming really fast with the hands. (I might even do a direction change to work the brain a little more too!)
The cardio is designed for ages 55+ and those who need to take extra care of their joints, but think about it: even if you love the intensity of Zumba Basic, incorporating lower-impact Zumba Gold into your workout routine could be an easy way to keep your workouts balanced and help you recover better too!
Now, can you move at a Zumba pace in a Zumba Gold class? Yes, if that’s what you want! Some Gold classes have students who are (1) younger than 55 or (2) older than 55 but have conditioned their bodies to dance at top speed. A great instructor knows her class and will show options for those who want to go more intense.
As I said, this dance party is no joke! It’s simply designed with options for everyone, from someone in a chair to someone who likes to jump kick!
The Music Should Move You
I think my favorite part of Zumba Gold is the music! Its core genres are Merengue, Salsa, Cumbia, Tango, Flamenco, and Belly Dance. Notice the difference: reggaeton is not a core genre of Gold, unlike Zumba Basic, where it is. You will likely see reggaeton in Zumba Gold classes though, especially in fusions (songs that fuse one or more genres). I like that the core genres are different for Gold, as they help provide the class with an identity of its own—instead of a “Zumba clone”!
Another unique feature of Zumba Gold? Classics. When you come to my Zumba Gold class, you can expect to hear Michael Jackson. Elvis. The Beach Boys. The Temptations. Artists who have made music that people still enjoy decades later. These songs continue to stand the test of time and have been well-received by most people for years. I’m honored to put masterpieces like “Rock With You” and “Surfin’ USA” on my playlist. They are so much fun and truly high-quality music that makes us want to move!
Balance – On And Off The Dance Floor
Balance is, perhaps, the most important Gold benefit of them all. Sometimes you will find a Gold song that is dedicated almost entirely to balance. Or balance moves may appear as one move in a song choreography. Either way, it helps: one in four older adults has a serious fall each year that can cause a hip fracture, head trauma, or worse. This is why balance is important, and a good Zumba Gold class incorporates moves to help students improve balance.
Another kind of balance also comes with Zumba Gold: a balanced mind and spirit. All humans go through different life stages, and no one is completely immune to aging. While genes may help, and exercise too, we must all make a conscious effort to keep our spirits high in the midst of different life seasons. Unfortunately, one in four older adults experiences depression, anxiety, or substance abuse. Attending a group fitness class will lift the spirit and provide a supportive community too—to remind them that people care about them and want to see them live long, happy lives.
It breaks my heart when I invite someone to a Gold class and they decline because they have stopped dancing and moving. They don’t believe they can do the class. I want to make it clear: whether you are on your feet, on a chair, or even lying in a bed, dancing is something you can do. The rewards are many and can even help save lives.
Zumba Gold is a dance fitness party with slightly more relaxed dancing, making it easy for people to keep dancing for a lifetime. Its core genres are Latin-based like Zumba but also include tango, flamenco, and belly dance in place of reggaeton. Classic music is also common in Gold classes. While this class is geared toward 55+, any age can benefit from Zumba Gold classes as a part of their regular workout routine.
I started teaching Zumba Gold because I was already teaching a group of 55+ ladies, and I wanted specific training to help them more. The eternal law of reaping and sowing is real, as most of these ladies still take my Gold class to this day. And I have watched my Gold classes grow with more loyal students than ever before.
So the next time you have a chance, try Zumba Gold! I truly believe you will enjoy and benefit from this class.